Back in my day women had hair on their private parts. Absolutely no one shaved their pussy. You knew you were with a woman when she was hairy and not some kid. There used to be a saying that you never play ball unless there’s grass on the field. Over the years things changed and women started shaving. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the legs and armpits getting groomed, but I firmly believe pussy should have a muff cover.
Thankfully beautiful babes have started bringing the bush back. When I watch porn, I’m always on the lookout for hairy pussy porn discounts. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how much time this list has saved me. All of the sites are top-notch with phenomenal production values as well as rosters that are out of this world. Abby Winters, Hairy Twatter, Reality Kings, Bushy Bushy, Fuck My Hairy Pussy, and ATK Hairy are all here with deep discounts you don’t want to miss out on. Any one of these sites gets my recommendation. It really just comes down to personal preference.